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Fig. 1 | Military Medical Research

Fig. 1

From: Investigation of the cell composition and gene expression in the delayed-type hypersensitivity tuberculin skin test

Fig. 1

Characteristics of DTH based on the TST. a Schematic of the experimental procedure for scRNA-seq. b UMAP plot showing ten cell types of indurations. c Expression of representative genes for each cell type. d Percentage of different cell types of samples with PBS, EC and PPD. e Counts of up-regulated and down-regulated DEGs for each cell type in induration. f Number of shared up-regulated and down-regulated DEGs between EC and PPD groups. g Seven cell subtypes of T cells. h Expression of marker genes for T cell subtypes. i Percentage of T cell subtypes in PBS, EC and PPD samples. j UMAP plot showing 15 cell subtypes in Endos. k Expression of representative genes for each subtype in Endos. l Percentage of Endos subtypes in PBS, EC and PPD samples. DEGs differentially expressed genes, EC ESAT6-CFP10, PBS phosphate buffered saline, PPD purified protein derivative, Endos endothelial cells, NK cells natural killer cells, UMAP uniform manifold approximation and projection

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