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Fig. 6 | Military Medical Research

Fig. 6

From: Single-cell transcriptomic dissection of the cellular and molecular events underlying the triclosan-induced liver fibrosis in mice

Fig. 6

Dynamic regulation of lymphocytes after TCS treatment. a UMAP visualization of distinct subtypes of lymphocytes including B, T and NK cells. b Heatmap of the expression levels of representative markers indicating lymphocytes, regulatory, naive, memory, effector, cytotoxic, and inflammatory functions. c Pie chart showing the relative fraction of each lymphocyte subtype. d Pseudotime trajectory indicating the development of B cell subtypes. The different color schemes represent the segregation based on pseudotime, cell state, treatment and subtype, respectively. e BEAM showing genes involved in the differential development of cell fate 1 (State 4) and cell fate 2 (State 5), and the enriched GO terms were listed at right. f Lollipop chart depicting the DEGs of B plasma cells after the TCS-200 treatment. Red represents up-regulated and blue represents down-regulated genes. g Bar graph showing the functions enriched in up-regulated DEGs of B plasma cells after the TCS-200 treatment. Length represents gene ratio and color represents adjusted P value. UMAP uniform manifold approximation and projection for dimension reduction, NK natural killer cells, C1 cluster 1, C2 cluster 2, C3 cluster 3, BEAM branched expression analysis modeling, GO Gene Ontology, DEGs differentially expressed genes, TCS triclosan; *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001

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