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Fig. 8 | Military Medical Research

Fig. 8

From: Expression dynamics of periodic transcripts during cancer cell cycle progression and their correlation with anticancer drug sensitivity

Fig. 8

Specific alternative splicing of DPM2 during mitosis and its clinical relevance. a Flow cytometry panels showing the cell cycle distribution of MDA-MB-231 cells arrested with nocodazole and actinomycin D. The X-axis shows the time at which actinomycin D was added. b FPKM values of TOP2A, CCNA2, CENPF, and RAD9A under mitotic arrest. The long lines represent unarrested samples, and the short lines represent the samples with induced arrest by nocodazole and actinomycin D. The X-axis represents the cell cycle phases. c ENST00000314392 FPKM values under mitotic arrest and unblocked conditions. d, e RFS curves of DPM2 transcriptional expression in breast cancer and triple-negative breast cancer, respectively. FPKM fragments per kilobase of exon model per million mapped fragments, RFS relapse-free survival

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