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Table 6 Summary of consensus recommendations

From: Expert consensus on the monitoring and treatment of sepsis-induced immunosuppression


Consistency evaluation and recommendation

Patients with sepsis had immunosuppression

 Presence of innate immunosuppression

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

 Presence of acquired immunosuppression

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

Sepsis-related immune function monitoring

 Initiated immune monitoring within 48 h after diagnosis of sepsis

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

 Need for dynamic monitoring of immune status

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

Patients with sepsis had high risk factors for immunosuppression

 Elderly (age ≥ 65 years old)

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

 Patients with malignant tumors under radiotherapy/chemotherapy within 3 months

Perfect consistency, strong recommendation

 Patients undergoing long-term immunosuppressive or steroids therapy

Perfect consistency, strong recommendation

 Malnutrition (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2)

Good consistency, weak recommendation

 Secondary infection

Good consistency, weak recommendation

Monitoring indicators for immunosuppression in patients with sepsis

 Decreased mHLA-DR

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

 Reduced responsiveness of monocytes to endotoxin stimulation

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

 Decreased peripheral blood lymphocyte count

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

 Increased regulatory T cell ratio

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

 Th1/Th2 balance disorder

Good consistency, weak recommendation

 Decreased peripheral blood immunoglobulin (IgA, IgM and IgG) concentrations

Good consistency, weak recommendation

Immunomodulatory therapy for sepsis

 mHLA-DR < 15,000 AB/C or percentage of mHLA-DR < 60%

Good consistency, weak recommendation

 Total lymphocytes < 1.1 × 109/L

Good consistency, weak recommendation

 Presence of risk factors for immunosuppression

Good consistency, weak recommendation

Immunomodulatory drugs


Good consistency, no recommendation

 Recombinant GM-CSF

Very good consistency, no recommendation


Good consistency, weak recommendation

Immunomodulatory therapy required dynamic monitoring of immune function

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

Endpoint of immunomodulatory therapy

 mHLA-DR ≥ 15,000 AB/C or percentage of mHLA-DR ≥ 60%

Good consistency, weak recommendation

 Total lymphocytes ≥ 1.1 × 109/L

Very good consistency, strong recommendation

  1. GM-CSF granulocyte–macrophage colony -stimulating factor, Ig immunoglobulin, mHLA-DR monocyte human leukocyte antigen DR, Th helper T cell, Tα1 thymosin α1