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Table 7 Restriction and isolation guidelines checklist for patients/suspected cases (Strong recommendation)

From: A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (standard version)



Precautions in practice

Environmental requirements

1.There should be clean areas, potentially contaminated areas, contaminated areas, contaminated channels and clean channels

1.1 clearly arrange and mark the 3 areas and transport materials or move from clean area to contaminated area. Retrograde is not allowed.

1.2 Each area should be physically partitioned and clearly marked

2. Isolation in single (priority strategy)

Collective isolation for the confirmed patients, collective isolation for the suspected cases (alternative strategy)

2.1 < 4 persons per isolation ward, bed spacing ≥1.1 m

2.2 Equipped with separate toilet

2.3 Equipped with hand-cleaning and disinfection apparatus

2.4 Minimize the unnecessary items (e.g. remove the curtains, etc.)

3. Ensure that the environment and articles are clean and disinfected

3.1 Follow the Disinfection Guidelines checklist

3.2 Exclusive use of articles in isolation areas

4. Proper medical waste management

4.1 The medical waste should be put in sealed double-layer yellow medical waste bags for regulated disposal procedure.

Requirements to the patient/suspected Patient

5. Restrict the range of patient/suspected patient for their activities.

5.1 No escort or minimize the number of escorts.

5.2 Clear route for patient transport (get in or out through contaminated channels)

5.3 Patients going out should wear N95 masks or surgical masks

5.4 Follow the disinfection guidelines after being discharged from hospital.

Requirements to the medical staff request

6. Medical personnel enter the isolation area with proper self-protection through designated channels.

6.1 Medical staff should perform the personal protection practice under the Personal Protection Guidelines in Table 8