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Table 1 Basic demographics and pain characteristics of adolescents with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

From: Impact of adolescent complex regional pain syndrome on the psychopathology of young men ahead of military service: a retrospective cohort analysis of Korean conscription data



Age [year, median (range)]

19.3 (19–20)

Male [n (%)]

63 (100)

Education [n (%)]

 College or more

40 (63.5)

 High school or less

23 (36.5)

Socioeconomic status [n (%)]


8 (12.7)


33 (52.4)


22 (34.9)

Parental coresidence status [n (%)]


54 (85.7)

 One parent

8 (12.7)


1 (1.6)

Abnormal MPI results [n (%)]

20 (31.7)

mCSS (2–9, x ± s)

4.05 ± 1.58

NRS (0–10, x ± s)

6.25 ± 1.57

Pain duration (month, x ± s)

27.41 ± 2.67

CRPS type [n (%)]


49 (77.8)


14 (22.2)

Affected site [n (%)]

 Upper extremity

18 (28.6)

 Lower extremity

43 (68.3)


2 (3.2)

Symptomatic presentation [n (%)]


45 (71.4)


42 (66.7)

 Temperature asymmetry

34 (54.0)

 Skin color asymmetry

36 (57.1)

 Sweating asymmetry

28 (44.4)

 Asymmetric edema

26 (41.3)

 Trophic changes

12 (19.0)

 Motor dysfunction

21 (33.3)

 Decreased active range of motion

8 (12.7)

Treatment [n (%)]

 Physical or pharmacological therapy

21 (33.3)

 Sympathetic nerve intervention

33 (52.4)

 Spinal cord stimulation

9 (14.3)

  1. MPI Military Personality Inventory, mCSS Modified Complex regional pain syndrome Severity Score, NRS Numerical rating scale, CRPS Complex regional pain syndrome