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Table 1 General descriptions of the six filtered studies that primarily focused on equine-assisted interventions

From: Equine-assisted interventions for veterans with service-related health conditions: a systematic mapping review

1st author (year)


Study aims

Diagnoses and descriptors

Number of participants

Number of male participants (%)

Age (year)

Lanning (2013)

United States

To address the need for research in EAA by assessing the changes in quality of life indicators and depression symptoms of veterans participating in a PATH International Equine Service for Heroes TR program

PTSD, sexual abuse/trauma, veteran, physical disabilities


10 (76.9)


Nevins (2013)

United States

To investigate the possible psychological and psychosocial benefits of teaching a post deployed veteran the Saratoga WarHorse Connection method

Veteran, PTSD, depression, student


1 (100.0)


Duncan (2014)


To assess the benefits of participating in a PTSD-tailored EAL program by measuring the acquisition of knowledge in interpersonal skills, self-mediation, and perceived relief from PTSD symptoms during the EAL session using the HOLSTER and BELT scales

Veterans, PTSD, OSI


56 (96.6)


Aldridge (2016)

United States

To compare traditional physical therapy to hippotherapy combined with traditional physical therapy on the motor performance of a 34-year-old male military veteran with low back pain.

Veteran, PTSD, low back and neck pain


1 (100.0)


Ferruolo (2016)

United States

To analyze deidentified self-report evaluation data from participants.



8 (100.0)


Lanning (2017)

United States

To examine the effects of THR on PTSD symptoms, quality of life, and functioning within the ICF framework.

Veterans, PTSD


33 (64.7)


  1. aAuthor provided characteristics of the 13 participants who began the intervention, not the seven who completed the entire intervention; BELT Benefitting from Experiential Learning Together, EAA Equine-assisted activities, EAL Equine-assisted learning, HOLSTER Horses Relieving Operational Stress through Experiential Relationships, ICF International Classification System, PATH Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, PTSD Posttraumatic stress disorder, THR Therapeutic horseback riding, OSI Operational stress injury, TBI Traumatic brain injury. -. Not available