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Table 3 Effects of zaleplon at two doses on the correct rate of dual task (\( \overline{x}\pm s \), n = 8)

From: Investigation of the usefulness of zaleplon at two doses to induce afternoon-sleep under noise interference and its effects on psychomotor performance and vestibular function



Time after taking drug

1 h

2 h

3 h

4 h

6 h

8 h


92.99 ± 3.27

90.78 ± 7.15

91.86 ± 5.06

89.83 ± 6.88

90.55 ± 3.59

90.79 ± 4.34

90.86 ± 5.53

Zaleplon 10 mg

88.54 ± 8.58

88.59 ± 6.53

89.66 ± 4.33

90.09 ± 4.37

93.31 ± 4.92

92.34 ± 5.24

92.76 ± 5.55

Zaleplon 15 mg

87.01 ± 6.31

92.38 ± 3.34

88.82 ± 4.38

91.65 ± 6.82

91.37 ± 4.57

90.48 ± 4.21

91.76 ± 6.21

  1. The baseline of the placebo group served as 100 %; F (2, 21) = 0.047, P > 0.05