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Table 4 Results from the medical examination (Room #2)

From: Health and sanitary status in 1970 of Tubu nomads dwelling in Northeastern Niger



Average systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)



131 (range: 100–200)


127 (range: 90–200)

Average diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)



78 (range: 60–120)


75 (range: 50–110)

Cases of hypertension (according to the estimated age) and accompanying symptoms


  Male (subject # 85). Transitory attacks of altered vision

0.7% (1/151)

  Females. No symptom (2), chest pain on exertion (1), occipital headaches (1)

2.65% (4/151)

Possible diagnostics following physical examination


  Dentition in bad status

34% (51/151)


7.3% (11/151)

  Blindness (sequelae from smallpox or trachoma)

4.0% (6/151)

  Acute lung infection (fever, abnormal thoracic auscultation)

5.3% (8/151)

  Ongoing rhinopharyngitis

4.6% (7/151)

  Ongoing otitis

4.0% (6/151)

  Lung tuberculosis (cachectic look, abnormal thoracic auscultation and percussion)

3.3% (5/151)

  Associated digestive tuberculosis (“wooden belly” at palpation)

1.3% (2/151)

  Abdominal or renal tumor or cyst (mass found by palpation)

3.3% (5/151)

  Digestive amebiasis (diarrhea, painful abdominal palpation of the colon area, E. histolytica/E. dispar cysts in stools)

1.3% (2/151)

  Hematological malignancy (enlarged spleen, lymphocytes > 80% at differential count)

1.3% (2/151)


0.7% (1/151)

  Major thoracic scoliosis

0.7% (1/151)

  Stroke sequelae (subject #85): chronic hypertension, Romberg’s positive, motor defect and positive Babinski sign in right lower limb

0.7% (1/151)

  Tetralogy of Fallot (retarded development, cyanotic nails and lips, digital clubbing, strong systolic heart murmur)

0.7% (1/151)