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Fig. 1 | Military Medical Research

Fig. 1

From: Multifaceted functions of Drp1 in hypoxia/ischemia-induced mitochondrial quality imbalance: from regulatory mechanism to targeted therapeutic strategy

Fig. 1

Drp1 oligomerization-related changes. a Secondary structure of the Drp1 peptide chain and its functional domains. The five motifs in the GTPase domain are essential features of Drp1, which is a large GTPase protein in the dynamin superfamily. These features include the G1 motif (32–39 aa), G2 motif (58–60 aa), 80-loop (72–87 aa), G3 motif (146–149 aa), G4 motif (215–218 aa), and G5 motif (245–248 aa). The 80-loop is a unique structure that distinguishes Drp1 from other dynamin superfamily members. b Tertiary structure of the Drp1 monomer. The bundle signaling element (BSE) conformation comprises three helix bundles (α1B, α2B, and α3B), which mainly regulate the nucleotide-dependent oligomeric changes from the GTPase domain to the Stalk region. The Stalk conformation comprises elongated, antiparallel four-helix bundles; the first three belong to the MD domain (α1S, α2S, and α3S). The α1S helix is further subdivided into α1NS, α1MS, and α1CS, which are connected by two loops (L1NS and L1CS). α4S belongs to the GTPase effector domain (GED) domain and connects with α3S via L4.S after crossing the B-insert domain. c Quaternary conformation of the Drp1 dimer filament. Side and top views of the Drp1 dimer that assembles via the central Stalk interface-2. d Quaternary conformation of the Drp1 tetramer network. All GTPase domains locate on the same side, and all B-insert domains locate on the opposite side in the Drp1 tetramer conformation. e Quaternary conformation of the Drp1 polymer loop. All B-insert regions locate inside the Drp1 polymer loop, which is responsible for recognizing and interacting with mitochondrial membrane proteins. Drp1 Dynamin-related protein 1

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