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Fig. 3 | Military Medical Research

Fig. 3

From: Elucidating regulatory processes of intense physical activity by multi-omics analysis

Fig. 3

Comparative multi-omics analysis of urine prior and post exercise. a Functional-enrichment analysis of proteins differentially abundant (Student’s t-test P ≤ 0.05) after the exercise session. The enrichment analysis was done with DAVID and the graph is plotted in function of the fold enrichment versus Fisher’s exact test P. The colors represent if the pathways were overrepresented in up-regulated or down-regulated proteins, while the circle sizes represent the number of regulated proteins in each pathway. b Boxplot of abundance ratios of renin-angiotensin system proteins comparing pre- and post-exercise sessions. c Boxplot of abundance ratios of angiotensinogen in different body fluids comparing pre- and post-exercise sessions. d Boxplot of abundance ratios of cystatin C in different body fluids comparing pre- and post-exercise sessions. e Protein content in the urine prior to post exercise. **P < 0.01 (Student’s t-test). f Boxplot of abundance ratios of transporters comparing pre- and post-exercise sessions. g Boxplot of abundance ratios of urine sugar levels comparing pre- and post-exercise sessions. h Boxplot of abundance ratios of valine pre- and post-exercise session comparing plasma and urine. i Boxplot of abundance ratios of cysteine pre- and post-exercise session comparing plasma and urine. j Urine lipidomics profile comparing prior and after the exercise session. The bar graph shows the percentage up- and down-regulated species in each lipid class. The stars represent classes of lipids that are significantly enriched (Fisher’s exact test P ≤ 0.05) with differential abundant species, as determined using Lipid MiniOn. k Boxplot of abundance ratios of metabolites comparing pre- and post-exercise sessions. Diamonds represent outlying data. ACE angiotensin converting enzyme, ACE2 angiotensin converting enzyme 2, Biosyn. biosynthesis, Down significantly down-regulated molecule, ns non-significant, PRCP prolylcarboxypeptidase, Prox. tub. proximal tubule, reab. reabsorption, sign. signaling, transp. transporter, Up significantly up-regulated molecule

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