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Table 4 Summaries of miRNAs associated with the role of EVs in skin wound repair

From: Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles in skin wound healing: roles, opportunities and challenges

Macrophage polarization


Regulate myofibroblast differentiation

Lessen hyperpigmentation

miR-34a-5p [124]

miR-124-3p [124]

miR-146a-5p [124]

miR-223 [108]

miR-181c [96]

let-7b [116]

miR-126 [169]

miR-130a [169]

miR-132 [169]

miR-21-3p [23]

miR-211-3p [111]

miR-135b-5p [89]

miR-499a-3p [89]

miR-125a-3p [103]

miR-132 [170]

miR-146a [125]

miR-383 [121]

miR-223 [134]

miR-125b-5p [91]

miR-21-5p [91]

miR-21 [109]

miR-23a [109]

miR-125b [109]

miR-145 [109]

miR-142-3p [171]

miR-181a-5p [144]

miR-199a [144]

  1. EVs extracellular vesicles